Category Archives: Workers Compensation

Gov Evers’ planned shutdown order for WI – to be signed tomorrow

Wisconsin Gov Tony Evers tweeted that he will sign a Stay At-home Order tomorrow.  As the Order is not finalized, we have not seen the details.  The governor did say there will be exceptions for certain types of businesses.  We … Read more »

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FFCRA Update

The FFCRA underwent major changes as the United States House of Representatives limited the availability of 12 weeks of paid family leave only to parents who are at home with children whose schools have closed.  Another major change states small … Read more »

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The Families First Coronavirus Response Act: How does this Impact Employers?

The United States House of Representatives passed the preliminary version of the Families First Coronavirus Response Act or the FFCRA.  The Act has not been addressed by the Senate or signed by the President, but is expected to pass through … Read more »

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OWCH Announces Temporary Change to Hearing Procedure

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COVID-19 Update: Work from Home Injuries and Work-Related Exposure

As precautions increase, and more Employers are encouraging work from home, the chance of a work injury occurring at home also increases.  Here are a few pointers to help Employers and Worker’s Compensation Carriers deal with these issues: Employees, even … Read more »

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Employers/WC Carriers: What can you do about COVID-19?

As we are well aware, the novel coronavirus has entered the United States, and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has advised Employers to have a plan ready to deal with this virus and the potential spread.  That has left … Read more »

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Are Discograms a Good Basis for Surgery?

Mustafa-Green v. Birchwood Rehab Ctr. – LIRC Decided September 30, 2019. Facts: Applicant alleged a low back injury and claimed a subsequent fusion was due to a work-related injury. She had three low back MRIs done prior to the surgery, … Read more »

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Can Retirement Unrelated to a Work Injury Result in a Compensable Wage Loss?

Mueller v. LIRC  – Court of Appeals Decided August 27, 2019, published. Facts: Applicant sustained compensable shoulder injury while employed by Ashley furniture.  Was put on light duty after surgery, and subsequently resigned while on light-duty, reporting that she intended … Read more »

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Decisions without Hearing Testimony is a Denial of Due Process.

Oja v. M.A.D. Enterprises, decided September 19, 2019. Facts: A hearing was held before an ALJ. That ALJ left the Department before issuing a decision. A second ALJ issued a decision, but had not participated in the hearing. Respondents alleged … Read more »

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How Important is Provider Credibility?

Gordon v. Tradesmen Int’l, Inc., decided September 5, 2019. Facts: Applicant had a prior slip and fall that resulted in a low back injury. He reached an end of healing. Four years later, he brought a permanent total disability claim … Read more »

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